9 Expert Tips To Stop Toddler Separation Anxiety At Night

Author Image By Paula McLaren - Norland Nurse NNEB RSH •  Updated: 11/07/23 •  Sleep / Sleep Tips

Toddler separation anxiety at night is a common parenting issue but it’s not an easy hurdle to overcome. To help your toddler feel confident to sleep alone and reclaim your child-free evenings, here’s everything you need to know about your toddler’s anxiety triggers, and how to help them overcome their nighttime fears.

Toddler Separation Anxiety At Night - boy sat on bed looking sad and cuddling his toy

Key Takeaways

What Triggers Toddler Separation Anxiety At Night?

The truth is that separation anxiety in toddlers can be triggered by a wide variety of things. 

And once your toddler becomes anxious about something in their life, it will disrupt their bedtime routine and make them scared to leave you at night.

Here are the most common reasons why your toddler may be suddenly getting anxious at night:

8 Triggers of Toddler Nighttime Separation Anxiety
  1. Moving house. Toddlers thrive on routine and things happening in the same way every day. So moving house can easily be a trigger for separation anxiety especially at bedtime and in the night. 
  2. Starting daycare or kindergarten. Getting used to going to daycare and kindergarten every day and having to spend prolonged periods away from you can also trigger separation anxiety. 
  3. Moving from a crib to a big bed. Moving to a toddler bed is a big change in your toddler’s life and can often make them anxious at bedtime. Especially as your toddler is learning to fall asleep quickly in their new sleep space without getting out of bed to find you.
  4. Parent going back to work. If and when you return to work your little one will naturally experience a huge change in their daily routine. This can make them more anxious when you leave them at night. This desire to be with you can also result in toddler stalling behaviors too.
  5. Change in caregiver. If your little one has a change in daily caregiver this can also make them more clingy towards you especially when you say good night or when they wake in the night.
  6. Going on holiday. As wonderful as holidays are they can easily disrupt your little one’s routine, trigger sleep regressions, and cause increased separation anxiety in your little one.
  7. Developing imagination. As your toddler grows they will start to develop a vivid imagination that can develop into a fear of the dark and or imagining monsters under the bed. This of course will make them very anxious when you leave them at night.
  8. The arrival of a new sibling. If your little one is feeling put out about the arrival of a new baby they may become more clingy at bedtime and at night especially if they think the baby is getting attention at these times. To help your toddler adjust to a new baby sibling, watch this video.

Is Toddler Separation Anxiety Normal?

In an article published by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Katie K. Lockwood, MD, MEd states: “Separation anxiety in babies between 9 and 18 months of age is very normal, and typically fades over time.”

Making us believe that separation anxiety in older toddlers is not good.

However, in the same article, psychologist Billie S. Schwartz, PhD, adds: “[Separation anxiety] is a very important developmental milestone and completely healthy. They’ve formed an attachment to you and miss you.”

To which I fully agree.

Toddler separation anxiety is normal.

And from my experience as a nanny for over 40 years, most children will grow out of their separation anxiety by the age of 3. Or when they are ready for preschool.

However, about 3% of children will continue to experience separation anxiety until they go to elementary school.

Signs Of Toddler Anxiety At Night

So how do toddlers express their separation anxiety? 

However, no matter what the cause it is crucial to differentiate between typical and excessive symptoms of separation anxiety. 

Mild clinginess or worrying about being away from you is very normal for toddlers. 

However, when these behaviors escalate and significantly interfere with their daily life or sleep patterns it may indicate a more severe anxiety disorder that needs immediate action.

Looking to get your little one to sleep quickly and effortlessly? Check out my Bedtime and Nap Cheat Sheet and master the art of making daytime naps and bedtimes as seamless as possible.

How To Tackle Toddler Separation Anxiety At Night

Soothing your toddler’s separation anxiety, especially when it occurs at night, comes down to making your toddler feel safe, secure, and loved. 

The good news is that there are lots of things you can do during the day that will help with your toddler’s separation anxiety at night.

How to help your Toddler Overcome Separation Anxiety At Night
Best Book For Separation Anxiety
Best Fear Of The Dark Book
Best Fear Of The Dark Book For Young Toddlers
Primary Rating:
Primary Rating:
Primary Rating:

The Invisible String is a heartwarming and comforting book that helps children understand that even when loved ones are far away, they are still connected by an invisible string of love. I love this concept as it's exactly what I taught my son when we moved to the UK from South Africa. With its gentle message of love and connection, this beautifully illustrated book is perfect for children who may be struggling with separation anxiety or missing someone special.


Join Orion on an imaginative adventure through the world of the dark! In this beautifully illustrated children's book, author Emma Yarlett explores the concept of fear and how we can overcome it. Follow Orion as he learns to face his fears and discovers the magic and wonder that can be found in the dark. With engaging storytelling and stunning illustrations, "Orion and the Dark" is a must-read for children and parents alike.


Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark is a delightful and relatable book that helps children overcome their fear of the dark. Through the lovable character of Tiny T-Rex, children will learn that even the bravest of us can feel scared sometimes and that it's okay to ask for help! With its charming illustrations and empowering message, Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark is a must-read for any toddler who needs a little extra courage at bedtime.

Best Book For Separation Anxiety
Primary Rating:

The Invisible String is a heartwarming and comforting book that helps children understand that even when loved ones are far away, they are still connected by an invisible string of love. I love this concept as it's exactly what I taught my son when we moved to the UK from South Africa. With its gentle message of love and connection, this beautifully illustrated book is perfect for children who may be struggling with separation anxiety or missing someone special.

Best Fear Of The Dark Book
Primary Rating:

Join Orion on an imaginative adventure through the world of the dark! In this beautifully illustrated children's book, author Emma Yarlett explores the concept of fear and how we can overcome it. Follow Orion as he learns to face his fears and discovers the magic and wonder that can be found in the dark. With engaging storytelling and stunning illustrations, "Orion and the Dark" is a must-read for children and parents alike.

Best Fear Of The Dark Book For Young Toddlers
Primary Rating:

Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark is a delightful and relatable book that helps children overcome their fear of the dark. Through the lovable character of Tiny T-Rex, children will learn that even the bravest of us can feel scared sometimes and that it's okay to ask for help! With its charming illustrations and empowering message, Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark is a must-read for any toddler who needs a little extra courage at bedtime.

When To Seek Help For Separation Anxiety In Toddlers

I would recommend that you seek help and consult a pediatrician or mental health professional if your toddler’s separation anxiety:

From there, medical professionals can then provide you with guidance and strategies to address your toddler’s separation anxiety. With the right support, you can ease their fears and promote healthy emotional development

Toddler Separation Anxiety At Night - Crying hugging mum

Frequently Asked Questions About Toddler Separation Anxiety At Night

Looking for more information about toddler separation anxiety at night? Here are the most frequently asked questions, answered just for you.

Q: How can I ease my child’s bedtime separation anxiety?

A: To minimize bedtime separation anxiety, establish a comforting routine and provide reassurance. Use books to help with your toddler’s anxiety such as ones about a fear of the dark. Using a nightlight and audiobooks to create a cozy sleep environment.

Q: How long does night separation anxiety usually last?

A: Nighttime separation anxiety typically lasts a few weeks to months. However, if your toddler’s separation anxiety is escalating and not reducing after 4 weeks, I would suggest seeking medical advice to rule out any underlying issues.

Q: At what age do toddlers typically experience separation anxiety during sleep?

A: Toddler separation anxiety during sleep commonly appears between 9 to 18 months of age. However, separation anxiety can occur at any time during the toddler and pre-school years due to any of the triggers I mentioned above.

Q: How can I establish a bedtime routine to reduce separation anxiety?

A: The best bedtime routine is a consistent bedtime routine. Start with a calm evening followed by bath time, getting dressed, reading a book, having cuddles, and saying goodnight. Put your toddler to bed at the same time every night and ensure your toddler knows that bedtime means bedtime.

Q: How do I get a clingy toddler to sleep alone?

A: Breaking the habit of a clingy toddler sleeping with you can be hard. To get a clingy toddler to sleep alone, gradually withdraw your presence by using transitional objects and encouraging self-soothing habits. Take a look at this blog for more help in helping your toddler sleep alone and overcome separation anxiety at night.

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Author Image Bio
Paula McLaren is the founder of Teething to Tantrums and a highly qualified childcare expert with over 40 years of experience as a Norland Nanny. She holds a BA (Hons) in Early Years Development & Learning (0-6 Years) and the prestigious Norland Diploma. Paula has worked as a night nanny, run a successful daycare center in London, and helped raise countless children using her tried and tested developmental and guidance methods.

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